Productwise Costing/Installation Of Costing System

Installation & Design of Costing System means in which each & every element of cost incurred at each stage of production through manpower, machine, material analysis & records will have to be kept in written. The process flow chart of each & every item produced in the company will have to be seen & accordingly records of each & every process of operation through man, machine & material will be kept. On that basis labor hour rate, machine hour rate, material consumption details will have to be calculated accordingly cost incurred at each process of operation will be calculated. So in this way total cost of all of the operations incurred for a component will be calculated on the basis of monthly production of components & expenses incurred at each stage of production & also overheads will have to be allocated & apportioned to components produced during the period. So sale price decision will be taken accordingly & if customer will ready to pay fewer amounts than total cost actually incurred to manufacture the component then the following are advises to the manufacturers to decide the sell price & takeVarious steps to reduce the cost at different stages if customer will ready pay less than what sale price comes to owner. We are also recognized among the most reliable providers of Cost Development Services in India & various leading industries are availing the benefits of Cost-Effective Development System. Normal Cost Price Decision: Sale Price must be equal toVariable Cost + Fixed Cost + Profit.
If customer will ready to pay less than normal cost price then sale price decision should be on the basis of total cost price =Variable cost + fixed cost so that customer will not go from h&s or sale order will not be left. & take various steps to reduce & control cost at various stages of production through value engineering , reduce raw material consumption & look suppliers from which material will be get at lower prices , reduce cycle time taken by the labor & machine for produced the items.
If customer will ready to pay less than total cost price then sale price decision should be on the basis of marginal cost price/variable cost price =variable cost only. Cost so that customer will not go from h&s or sale order will not be left. & take various steps to reduce & control cost at various stages of production through value engineering , reduce raw material consumption & look suppliers from which material will be get at lower rate, reduce cycle time taken by the labor & machine for produced the items.
If number of items sold to same customer then out of that some items may be sold below variable cost only if owner will in profit by the all of items from same customer. So that customer will not go from h&s or sale order will not be left. & take various steps to reduce & control cost at various stages of production through value engineering , reduce raw material consumption & look suppliers from which material will be get at lower prices , reduce cycle time taken by the labor & machine for produced the items.
The impact of such changes has led to worldwide competition for business as shown below:-
Phase of Business environment Decisive Factors * MONOPOLY – Quantity
* QUALITY – Quantity +Quality
* COMPETITION – Quantity +Quality +Price
Key Cost Reduction Areas * MATERIAL COSTS
Gone are the days when the price was fixed by cost plus approach. Now, the prices are fixed by the market & after deducting targeted profit from the market determined price, one has to focus on costs to remain them within the residual value.

- GST Auditor
- Cost Audit Report
- Maintenance Cost Records & its Compliance
- Specialized Services in field of Cost Accountant
- Inventory & Stock Audit
- Installation of Costing System
- Costing in Antidumpting Cases
- Out Sourcing / Freelancer Work
- CAS-4
- Service Tax Return Filing
- Internal Audit
- Bank Audit
- Forensic Audit
- SOX (The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002)

- CAS-1 : Classification of Cost
- CAS-2 : CapacityDetermination
- CAS-3 : Overheads
- CAS-4 : Captive Consumption
- CAS-5 : Transportation Cost
- CAS-6 : Material Cost
- CAS-7 : Employee Cost
- CAS-8 : Cost of Utilities
- CAS-9 : Packing Material Cost
- CAS-10 : Direct Expenses
- CAS-11 : Admin Overheads
- CAS-12 : Repairs & Maint Cost
- CAS-13 : Service Cost Centres

- Name Change of ICWAI TO ICAI
- Chapterwise GST Rate List
- Model GST Law nov 2016
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Amendment 2014
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Rules 2014
- GST Updates 12th September 2018