Certificate towards the amount of duty paid on the materials used for the manufacture of exported goods as indicated in Forms DBK-I,II, IIA,III, IIIA under Customs Act, 1962.
Certifying Performa CI & C2 under Anti–Dumping as prescribed by Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
Certificate of Cost of production of captively consumed goods as per Rule 8 of Central Excise Act, 1944 in accordance with Cost Accounting Standard CAS–4 issued by the Institute.
Certificate of Cost of production of captively consumed goods as per Rule 8 of Central Excise Act, 1944 in accordance with Cost Accounting Standard CAS–4 issued by the Institute.
Certificate towards the amount of duty paid on the materials used for the manufacture of exported goods as indicated in Forms DBK-I,II, IIA,III, IIIA under Customs Act, 1962.
Certifying Performa CI & C2 under Anti–Dumping as prescribed by Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
other certifications required to be done by practicing
cost accountant .
- GST Auditor
- Cost Audit Report
- Maintenance Cost Records & its Compliance
- Specialized Services in field of Cost Accountant
- Inventory & Stock Audit
- Installation of Costing System
- Costing in Antidumpting Cases
- Out Sourcing / Freelancer Work
- CAS-4
- Service Tax Return Filing
- Internal Audit
- Bank Audit
- Forensic Audit
- SOX (The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002)
- CAS-1 : Classification of Cost
- CAS-2 : CapacityDetermination
- CAS-3 : Overheads
- CAS-4 : Captive Consumption
- CAS-5 : Transportation Cost
- CAS-6 : Material Cost
- CAS-7 : Employee Cost
- CAS-8 : Cost of Utilities
- CAS-9 : Packing Material Cost
- CAS-10 : Direct Expenses
- CAS-11 : Admin Overheads
- CAS-12 : Repairs & Maint Cost
- CAS-13 : Service Cost Centres
- Name Change of ICWAI TO ICAI
- Chapterwise GST Rate List
- Model GST Law nov 2016
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Amendment 2014
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Rules 2014
- GST Updates 12th September 2018