Certification of Cost of Production for Captive Consumption CAS-4

valuation Certificate for Cost of goods produced for Captive Consumption, in accordance with Cost Accounting Standard CAS – 4 issued by the Institute, under Rule 8 of the Central Excise Valuation (Determination of Price of Excisable Goods) Rules.
Also attached circular by central Excise related to it CAS-4 Valuation and certification of captively consumed goods.
Central Excise Circulars-ON CAS-4

- GST Auditor
- Cost Audit Report
- Maintenance Cost Records & its Compliance
- Specialized Services in field of Cost Accountant
- Inventory & Stock Audit
- Installation of Costing System
- Costing in Antidumpting Cases
- Out Sourcing / Freelancer Work
- CAS-4
- Service Tax Return Filing
- Internal Audit
- Bank Audit
- Forensic Audit
- SOX (The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002)

- CAS-1 : Classification of Cost
- CAS-2 : CapacityDetermination
- CAS-3 : Overheads
- CAS-4 : Captive Consumption
- CAS-5 : Transportation Cost
- CAS-6 : Material Cost
- CAS-7 : Employee Cost
- CAS-8 : Cost of Utilities
- CAS-9 : Packing Material Cost
- CAS-10 : Direct Expenses
- CAS-11 : Admin Overheads
- CAS-12 : Repairs & Maint Cost
- CAS-13 : Service Cost Centres

- Name Change of ICWAI TO ICAI
- Chapterwise GST Rate List
- Model GST Law nov 2016
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Amendment 2014
- Cost Audit & Cost Record Rules 2014
- GST Updates 12th September 2018